Fine Art Saturday'09
05 December 2009
At Saturday's encounter with art the following European artists' collector's prints were presented: a masterful cycle of etchings entitled Dead Souls by Marc Chagall - illustrations for the story by M. Gogol, commissioned by the Parisian art dealer A. Vollard; Le Marteau sans Maître, an early (!) lithograph by Joan Miró - illustrations for a story by the leading surrealist René Char (1934); prints and a sculpture by Salvador Dalí, created in 1969-1976 for the Madrid collector Isidrio Clot as well as a unique linocut by Pablo Picasso (created by means of the so-called Picasso technique) - one of the artist's most sought-after prints.
Polish contemporary art was represented by the works of selected artists from a number of Polish cities (e.g. Łódź, Wrocław, Cracow and Warsaw): the famous linocuts of Anna Gawlikowska, Jan Opaliński's prints and paintings, the experimental works of Piotr Korzeniowski and the paintings of Michał Bober and Marta Sieciarz.
The encounter with art was organised as an open day for art lovers and collectors from the Tri-City.